Wednesday, November 24, 2010

To Lara, my twinsie, another attempt at a poem, for our birthday

It's only another year

A year of laughter
sprinkling down

A year of joy
frosted over the days

A year of love
swirled torus linking beginning to end

It's only another year

May you have dozens more
and all of them truly filled with donut days

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A poem, for your birthday

We reach into the jar
a spectrum of sugar
we remove a single grain
maybe yellow, red or green
and place it on the frosting
where it rests in sweet collusion
with all the sprinkles of your life

Monday, November 8, 2010


One of our favorite writers, Lara Zielin, posted a contest on her Help4Writers blog. In it, she asks folks to list what they're thankful for.

Well, you can no doubt guess my response.

173 DOUGHNUT RECIPES eBOOK Doughnuts Cookbook

In my comment, I describe my thankfulness like this:

Circular perfection. Frosted bliss. Sprinkled love. Holy donuts, for inspiration, for nutrition – okay, not for nutrition – for their uncanny ability to encapsulate all that is good and right in the world.

And now I ask you. Why are YOU thankful for donuts?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Gotta love the classics

Ah, Homer and his donuts.

Donuts, donuts, donuts. Keep 'em coming...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

At the top of our wish list

How many times has this happened to you?

You're enjoying a tasty donut, only to get called away to an important meeting. How can you save your donut, to be sure you can enjoy it later?

Well, never fear. The answer is Doughnut To Go, an entirely necessary new product that easily holds any standard sized donut. From the website:

Doughnut To-Go is a compact and convenient carrying case....for your donuts! Yes! Donuts!

The Doughnut To-Go will insure your donut will be kept warm and fresh. You can even put it in a microwave and wash this case when you are done eating your donut so you can always go anywhere you want with your favorite donut in your hand!

Finally. One of life's great problems, solved.